Certification: Credit Union Business Lending Professional (CUBLP)

5710 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53701-0333

Earn your credit union business lending professional designation and set yourself apart as a unique authority in business and commercial lending.

Who should certify?

This designation is beneficial for credit union professionals looking to start, build and grow business lending at their credit unions.

Oral or Written Exam Required?
Renewal Required?
Every 3 Year(s)
Renew through Continuing Educational Units(CEU)?
Renew through Re-Examination?
Renew through Continuing Professional Development(CPD)?
Does applicant have choice of at least two options from above for renewal (CEU, CPD, or exam)?

Online Exam

A designation is earned by attending all three years of CUNA Business Lending Certification Virtual School and completing their respective in-course assessments.


The certification has an education level of an Associates of Arts or Associates of Sciences degree or higher and has a work experience requirement of more than 2 years, or requires obtaining a ‘core’ level certification from the same organization.