State Map for Ophthalmic Medical Technicians
Looking to move? Some states have more opportunities for this type of work than others.
- Orange states have an above average share of this career in their workforce.
- Blue states have a below average share of this career in their workforce.
State | Job Outlook |
Alabama | Above average opportunities |
Alaska | Below average opportunities |
American Samoa | No data available |
Arizona | Average opportunities |
Arkansas | Below average opportunities |
California | Below average opportunities |
Colorado | Average opportunities |
Connecticut | Average opportunities |
Delaware | Below average opportunities |
District of Columbia | No data available |
Florida | Above average opportunities |
Georgia | Average opportunities |
Guam | No data available |
Hawaii | Average opportunities |
Idaho | Below average opportunities |
Illinois | Below average opportunities |
Indiana | Average opportunities |
Iowa | Below average opportunities |
Kansas | Above average opportunities |
Kentucky | Above average opportunities |
Louisiana | Average opportunities |
Maine | Average opportunities |
Maryland | Average opportunities |
Massachusetts | Average opportunities |
Michigan | Below average opportunities |
Minnesota | Below average opportunities |
Mississippi | Average opportunities |
Missouri | Below average opportunities |
Montana | Average opportunities |
Nebraska | Above average opportunities |
Nevada | Average opportunities |
New Hampshire | Average opportunities |
New Jersey | Average opportunities |
New Mexico | Below average opportunities |
New York | Average opportunities |
North Carolina | Above average opportunities |
North Dakota | Above average opportunities |
Northern Mariana Islands | No data available |
Ohio | Above average opportunities |
Oklahoma | Average opportunities |
Oregon | Average opportunities |
Pennsylvania | Average opportunities |
Puerto Rico | Average opportunities |
Rhode Island | Below average opportunities |
South Carolina | Average opportunities |
South Dakota | Above average opportunities |
Tennessee | Above average opportunities |
Texas | Average opportunities |
Utah | Below average opportunities |
Vermont | Average opportunities |
Virgin Islands | No data available |
Virginia | Above average opportunities |
Washington | Average opportunities |
West Virginia | Below average opportunities |
Wisconsin | Average opportunities |
Wyoming | Below average opportunities |
For detailed state-by-state info, see employment and wages external site from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
National Outlook
Nationwide, new job opportunities for ophthalmic medical technicians are very likely in the future.