Traffic Technicians
Traffic Control Technician, Traffic Signal Technician (TST), Traffic Technician, Transportation Technician
What they do:
Conduct field studies to determine traffic volume, speed, effectiveness of signals, adequacy of lighting, and other factors influencing traffic conditions, under direction of traffic engineer.
On the job, you would:
- Study traffic delays by noting times of delays, the numbers of vehicles affected, and vehicle speed through the delay area.
- Interact with the public to answer traffic-related questions, respond to complaints or requests, or discuss traffic control ordinances, plans, policies, or procedures.
- Prepare graphs, charts, diagrams, or other aids to illustrate observations or conclusions.
Engineering and Technology
- computers and electronics
- product and service development
Safety and Government
- public safety and security
- law and government
- movement of people or goods by air, rail, sea, or road
Arts and Humanities
- English language
Basic Skills
- listening to others, not interrupting, and asking good questions
- reading work related information
Problem Solving
- noticing a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it
People and Technology Systems
- thinking about the pros and cons of different options and picking the best one
- figuring out how a system should work and how changes in the future will affect it
- communicate by speaking
- listen and understand what people say
Ideas and Logic
- notice when problems happen
- make general rules or come up with answers from lots of detailed information
- add, subtract, multiply, or divide
- choose the right type of math to solve a problem
People interested in this work like activities that include practical, hands-on problems and solutions.
They do well at jobs that need:
- Dependability
- Attention to Detail
- Integrity
- Cooperation
- Adaptability/Flexibility
- Analytical Thinking
You might use software like this on the job:
Analytical or scientific software
- The MathWorks MATLAB
Presentation software
- Microsoft PowerPoint
Computer aided design CAD software
- Autodesk AutoCAD
- Bentley MicroStation
Education: (rated 3 of 5)
high school diploma/GED or
some college
usually needed
some college
usually needed
Job Outlook
New job opportunities are likely in the future.
Explore More
- Air Traffic Controllers
- Civil Engineering Technologists & Technicians
- Construction & Building Inspectors
- Power Distributors & Dispatchers
- Railroad Conductors & Yardmasters
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See more details at O*NET OnLine about traffic technicians.