Sustainability Specialists

information sustainability service investigative cost effectiveness energy coordinator objective waste stream management comprehension green building practice

Sustainability Consultant, Sustainability Coordinator, Sustainability Specialist, Sustainable Design Coordinator

What they do:
Address organizational sustainability issues, such as waste stream management, green building practices, and green procurement plans.
On the job, you would:
  • Develop sustainability project goals, objectives, initiatives, or strategies in collaboration with other sustainability professionals.
  • Monitor or track sustainability indicators, such as energy usage, natural resource usage, waste generation, and recycling.
  • Assess or propose sustainability initiatives, considering factors such as cost effectiveness, technical feasibility, and acceptance.



  • management
  • customer service

Safety and Government

  • law and government

Arts and Humanities

  • English language

Education and Training

  • teaching and course design


Basic Skills

  • reading work related information
  • talking to others

Problem Solving

  • noticing a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it

People and Technology Systems

  • thinking about the pros and cons of different options and picking the best one
  • measuring how well a system is working and how to improve it



  • communicate by writing
  • read and understand what is written

Ideas and Logic

  • make general rules or come up with answers from lots of detailed information
  • use rules to solve problems


People interested in this work like activities that include ideas, thinking, and figuring things out.

They do well at jobs that need:

  • Initiative
  • Cooperation
  • Persistence
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Integrity
  • Leadership


You might use software like this on the job:

Computer aided design CAD software

  • Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D Hot Technology
  • Autodesk Revit Hot Technology

Presentation software

  • Microsoft PowerPoint Hot Technology In Demand

Analytical or scientific software

  • PRe Consultants SimaPro


Education: (rated 4 of 5)
bachelor's degree or
master's degree
usually needed

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