First-Line Supervisors of Security Workers

safety compliance document procedure solve problem equipment apprehend threats regulation resolve complaints
What they do:
Directly supervise and coordinate activities of security workers and security guards.
On the job, you would:
  • Advise employees in handling problems or resolving complaints from customers, tenants, detainees, or other persons.
  • Apprehend or evict trespassers, rule violators, or other security threats from the premises.
  • Assign security personnel to posts or patrols.


Knowledge information for this career will be available soon.


Skills information for this career will be available soon.


Abilities information for this career will be available soon.


People interested in this work like activities that include leading, making decisions, and business.


You might use software like this on the job:

Data base user interface and query software

  • Microsoft Access Hot Technology
  • Oracle software

Presentation software

  • Microsoft PowerPoint Hot Technology

Spreadsheet software

  • Microsoft Excel Hot Technology In Demand


Education: (rated 2 of 5)

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