First-Line Supervisors of Passenger Attendants

enterprising inspect facility human resource activity supply coordinate activities compute cash record personnel analyze data customer feedback

On Car Supervisor, Transportation Supervisor

What they do:
Supervise and coordinate activities of passenger attendants.
On the job, you would:
  • Analyze and record personnel or operational data and write related activity reports.
  • Apply customer feedback to service improvement efforts.
  • Compute or estimate cash, payroll, transportation, or personnel requirements.


Knowledge information for this career will be available soon.


Skills information for this career will be available soon.


Abilities information for this career will be available soon.


People interested in this work like activities that include leading, making decisions, and business.


You might use software like this on the job:

Spreadsheet software

  • Microsoft Excel Hot Technology In Demand

Presentation software

  • Microsoft PowerPoint Hot Technology

Mobile location based services software

  • Accellos Real Dispatch
  • Commercial vehicle operations CVO software


Education: (rated 3 of 5)

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