Machine Feeders & Offbearers

realistic interests product inspect materials record data machinery control buttons measure materials gain information hand tool

Dryer Feeder, Feeder, Machine Feeder, Offbearer

What they do:
Feed materials into or remove materials from machines or equipment that is automatic or tended by other workers.
On the job, you would:
  • Inspect materials and products for defects, and to ensure conformance to specifications.
  • Record production and operational data, such as amount of materials processed.
  • Push dual control buttons and move controls to start, stop, or adjust machinery and equipment.


Manufactured or Agricultural Goods

  • manufacture and distribution of products

Engineering and Technology

  • mechanical

Math and Science

  • arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, or statistics


Basic Skills

  • keeping track of how well people and/or groups are doing in order to make improvements


  • changing what is done based on other people's actions


Hand and Finger Use

  • keep your arm or hand steady
  • hold or move items with your hands

Controlled Movement

  • quickly change the controls of a machine, car, truck or boat
  • change when and how fast you move based on how something else is moving


People interested in this work like activities that include practical, hands-on problems and solutions.

They do well at jobs that need:

  • Dependability
  • Attention to Detail
  • Cooperation
  • Concern for Others
  • Independence
  • Integrity


You might use software like this on the job:

Spreadsheet software

  • Microsoft Excel Hot Technology

Electronic mail software

  • Microsoft Outlook Hot Technology

Office suite software

  • Microsoft Office software Hot Technology


Education: (rated 2 of 5)
high school diploma/GED or
no high school diploma/GED
usually needed

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Below Average
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