School Psychologists

information family psychology parent teacher school learning social interests administer educational program

Bilingual School Psychologist, Consulting Psychologist, Psychologist, School Psychologist

Where in the military? Select a military branch to see samples.
Clinical Psychologist; Clinical Psychologist, Aviation Psychologist; Clinical Psychologist, Child and Adolescent Psychologist; Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Neuropsychologist; Clinical Psychologist, Investigative Psychologist; Psychiatrist; Psychiatrist, Addictions Psychiatry; Psychiatrist, Child Psychiatry; Psychiatrist, Neuropsychiatry; Psychiatrist, Psychosomatic Psychiatry
Behavioral Sciences; Medical Service Corps Officer; Psychiatrist
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Behavioral Health Technician; Clinical Psychologist; Psychiatrist
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What they do:
Diagnose and implement individual or schoolwide interventions or strategies to address educational, behavioral, or developmental issues that adversely impact educational functioning in a school. May address student learning and behavioral problems and counsel students or families. May design and implement performance plans, and evaluate performance. May consult with other school-based personnel.
On the job, you would:
  • Compile and interpret students' test results, along with information from teachers and parents, to diagnose conditions and to help assess eligibility for special services.
  • Maintain student records, including special education reports, confidential records, records of services provided, and behavioral data.
  • Report any pertinent information to the proper authorities in cases of child endangerment, neglect, or abuse.


Math and Science

  • psychology
  • sociology and anthropology


  • therapy and counseling

Education and Training

  • teaching and course design


  • customer service


Basic Skills

  • listening to others, not interrupting, and asking good questions
  • reading work related information

Problem Solving

  • noticing a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it


  • understanding people's reactions
  • looking for ways to help people



  • communicate by speaking
  • listen and understand what people say

Ideas and Logic

  • use rules to solve problems
  • make general rules or come up with answers from lots of detailed information


People interested in this work like activities that include helping people, teaching, and talking.

They do well at jobs that need:

  • Dependability
  • Integrity
  • Cooperation
  • Persistence
  • Self Control
  • Social Orientation


You might use software like this on the job:

Video conferencing software

  • Google Meet
  • Zoom Hot Technology In Demand

Data base user interface and query software

  • Centris Group IEP Direct
  • Vision Management Consulting IEP PlaNET

Word processing software

  • Ewing Solutions QuickWriter
  • Microsoft Word Hot Technology


Education: (rated 5 of 5)
certificate after master's or
master's degree
usually needed

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