Patient Representatives
Case Manager, Medicaid Service Coordinator (MSC), Patient Advocate, Patient Service Representative
Aerospace Medical Service; Aerospace Medical Service Apprentice, Independent Duty Medical Technician; Aerospace Medical Service Craftsman, Allergy/Immunization Technician; Aerospace Medical Service Helper; Aerospace Medical Service Helper, National Registry Paramedic; Aerospace Medical Service Journeyman, Flight and Operational Medical Technician; Dental Assistant; Dental Assistant Journeyman; Health Services Management Craftsman, Health Information Technology; Respiratory Care Practitioner
Patient Administration; Patient Administration Specialist
Health Services Technician; Medical Administration Specialty
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Hospital Corpsman
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What they do:
Assist patients in obtaining services, understanding policies and making health care decisions.
On the job, you would:
- Coordinate communication between patients, family members, medical staff, administrative staff, or regulatory agencies.
- Interview patients or their representatives to identify problems relating to care.
- Refer patients to appropriate health care services or resources.
- customer service
- administrative services
- medicine and dentistry
- therapy and counseling
Math and Science
- sociology and anthropology
- psychology
Engineering and Technology
- computers and electronics
Basic Skills
- listening to others, not interrupting, and asking good questions
- reading work related information
- looking for ways to help people
- understanding people's reactions
Problem Solving
- noticing a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it
- listen and understand what people say
- communicate by speaking
Ideas and Logic
- make general rules or come up with answers from lots of detailed information
- use rules to solve problems
- pay attention to something without being distracted
People interested in this work like activities that include helping people, teaching, and talking.
They do well at jobs that need:
- Concern for Others
- Adaptability/Flexibility
- Cooperation
- Integrity
- Self Control
- Stress Tolerance
You might use software like this on the job:
Medical software
- eClinicalWorks EHR software
- Henry Schein Dentrix
Word processing software
- Google Docs
- Microsoft Word
Customer relationship management CRM software
- CareOne CareEnsure
- Microsoft Dynamics
Education: (rated 3 of 5)
Job Outlook
New job opportunities are very likely in the future.
Explore More
- Community Health Workers
- Health Education Specialists
- Health Informatics Specialists
- Health Information Technologists & Medical Registrars
- Medical Records Specialists
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