Education & Childcare Administrators, Preschool & Daycare
Education Director, Preschool Director, Principal, Site Coordinator
Academic Program Manager; Education And Training; Education And Training Apprentice; Education And Training Craftsman; Education And Training Helper; Education and Training Journeyman; Education and Training Leader; Education And Training Superintendent; Enlisted Professional Military Education Instructional System Designer; Professional Military Education Instructor
USMA, Professor; USMA, Professor of Army Cyber; USMA, Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership; USMA, Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering; USMA, Professor of English; USMA, Professor of Geography and Environmental Engineering; USMA, Professor of Law; USMA, Professor of Mathematical Sciences; USMA, Professor of Physical Education; USMA, Professor of Social Sciences
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Training and Education Officer; Weapons and Tactics Instructor; Weapons and Tactics Instructor - Air Officer
Afloat Training Officer; Chairman of Department, Teaching Program; Education/Training Planning and Program Officer (General); Leadership/Management Training Program Officer; School Administrator; Training Officer; Training Planning and Program Officer (Aviation, Flight); Training Planning and Program Officer (Aviation, Ground)
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What they do:
Plan, direct, or coordinate academic or nonacademic activities of preschools or childcare centers and programs, including before- and after-school care.
On the job, you would:
- Confer with parents and staff to discuss educational activities and policies and students' behavioral or learning problems.
- Monitor students' progress and provide students and teachers with assistance in resolving any problems.
- Recruit, hire, train, and evaluate primary and supplemental staff and recommend personnel actions for programs and services.
- customer service
- management
Education and Training
- teaching and course design
Arts and Humanities
- English language
Math and Science
- psychology
Basic Skills
- keeping track of how well people and/or groups are doing in order to make improvements
- listening to others, not interrupting, and asking good questions
Problem Solving
- noticing a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it
- changing what is done based on other people's actions
- looking for ways to help people
- communicate by writing
- communicate by speaking
Ideas and Logic
- use rules to solve problems
- make general rules or come up with answers from lots of detailed information
- pay attention to something without being distracted
- remember words, numbers, pictures, or steps
People interested in this work like activities that include helping people, teaching, and talking.
They do well at jobs that need:
- Dependability
- Stress Tolerance
- Integrity
- Self Control
- Adaptability/Flexibility
- Independence
You might use software like this on the job:
Accounting software
- Intuit QuickBooks
- Quicken
Desktop communications software
- ParentSquare
- Tadpoles
Enterprise resource planning ERP software
- ACS Technologies HeadMaster
- The Gallagher Group DataCare
Education: (rated 4 of 5)
associate's degree or
high school diploma/GED
usually needed
high school diploma/GED
usually needed
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Job Outlook
Below Average
New job opportunities are less likely in the future.
Explore More
- Education Administrators, Kindergarten through Secondary
- Preschool Teachers
- Social & Community Service Managers
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- Special Education Teachers, Kindergarten
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See more details at O*NET OnLine about education and childcare administrators, preschool and daycare.