Financial & Investment Analysts
Analyst, Financial Analyst, Investment Analyst, Securities Analyst
Contracting; Contracting Apprentice; Contracting Craftsman; Contracting Journeyman; Contracting Superintendent; Financial Management; Financial Management and Comptroller; Financial Management and Comptroller Apprentice; Financial Management and Comptroller Helper; Financial Management and Comptroller Journeyman
Financial Manager; Health Services Comptroller
No similar titles were found.
Financial Management Officer; Financial Management Resource Officer; Financial Management Specialist
Accounting Officer; Budget Officer; Comptroller; Designated Project Business Administrator; Internal Review Officer
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What they do:
Conduct quantitative analyses of information involving investment programs or financial data of public or private institutions, including valuation of businesses.
On the job, you would:
- Advise clients on aspects of capitalization, such as amounts, sources, or timing.
- Analyze financial or operational performance of companies facing financial difficulties to identify or recommend remedies.
- Assess companies as investments for clients by examining company facilities.
Knowledge information for this career will be available soon.
Skills information for this career will be available soon.
Abilities information for this career will be available soon.
People interested in this work like activities that include data, detail, and regular routines.
You might use software like this on the job:
Analytical or scientific software
- IBM SPSS Statistics
- The MathWorks MATLAB
Word processing software
- Google Docs
- Microsoft Word
Financial analysis software
- Oracle E-Business Suite Financials
- Oracle Hyperion Financial Management
Education: (rated 4 of 5)
Job Outlook
New job opportunities are very likely in the future.
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- Financial Quantitative Analysts
- Financial Risk Specialists
- Investment Fund Managers
- Personal Financial Advisors
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