Human Resources Managers
Employee Relations Manager, HR Administration Director (Human Resources Administration Director), Human Resources Director (HR Director), Human Resources Manager (HR Manager)
What they do:
Plan, direct, or coordinate human resources activities and staff of an organization.
On the job, you would:
- Serve as a link between management and employees by handling questions, interpreting and administering contracts and helping resolve work-related problems.
- Advise managers on organizational policy matters, such as equal employment opportunity and sexual harassment, and recommend needed changes.
- Analyze and modify compensation and benefits policies to establish competitive programs and ensure compliance with legal requirements.
- human resources (HR)
- management
Arts and Humanities
- English language
Safety and Government
- law and government
Education and Training
- teaching and course design
Basic Skills
- listening to others, not interrupting, and asking good questions
- talking to others
Problem Solving
- noticing a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it
People and Technology Systems
- thinking about the pros and cons of different options and picking the best one
- measuring how well a system is working and how to improve it
- communicate by speaking
- listen and understand what people say
Ideas and Logic
- use rules to solve problems
- make general rules or come up with answers from lots of detailed information
- add, subtract, multiply, or divide
- choose the right type of math to solve a problem
People interested in this work like activities that include leading, making decisions, and business.
They do well at jobs that need:
- Integrity
- Self Control
- Leadership
- Dependability
- Cooperation
- Initiative
You might use software like this on the job:
Time accounting software
- ADP ezLaborManager
- Kronos Workforce Timekeeper
Presentation software
- Mentimeter
- Microsoft PowerPoint
Human resources software
- Human resource management software HRMS
- UniFocus Watson Human Resources Manager
Education: (rated 4 of 5)
bachelor's degree
usually needed
usually needed
Job Outlook
New job opportunities are very likely in the future.
Explore More
- Compensation, Benefits, & Job Analysis Specialists
- Human Resources Assistants
- Human Resources Specialists
- Management Analysts
- Training & Development Managers
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See more details at O*NET OnLine about human resources managers.