Management Analysts
Business Analyst, Business Consultant, Management Analyst, Management Consultant
AF Developmental Senior Enlisted Positions; Complaints and Resolution Coordinator; Cyber Defense Operations Apprentice, Data Operations; Cyber Defense Operations Helper; Cyber Intelligence Craftsman, Analyst; Financial Management and Comptroller Helper; Intelligence, Fighter; Logistics Plans Superintendent; Operations Analysis Officer, C2ISREW; Pathfinder Officer
Acquisition; Armor Senior Sergeant; Counter-Intelligence Technician; Health Care Administration; Intelligence Analyst; Intelligence Systems Integration and Maintenance Technician; Patient Administration; Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Voice Interceptor; Special Forces; Systems Development
Boatswain Specialty; Enterprise Policy, Planning, Budget, and Management; Finance and Supply Specialty; Intelligence Specialist
Advanced Information Operations Planner; Aviation Ordnance Weapons and Tactics Instructor; Communications Chief; Female Engagement Specialist; Information Systems Manager; Joint Fires Observer Evaluator; Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Intelligence Planner; Operational Planner; Security Cooperation (SC) Planner; Special Operations Concepts and Strategy Specialist
AADC Plans Staff Officer; AOC Plans - Master Air Attack Plan Team Chief; Chief Staff Officer; Designated Project Integrated Logistics Systems Coordinator; Intelligence Investigations Officer; LDO - Explosive Ordnance Disposal; Naval Culture Workshop Facilitator; Plans and Policies Chief; Staff Air Operations and Planning Officer; Strike Warfare Intelligence Analyst
Complaints and Resolution Coordinator; Futures Airmen; Inspections Coordinator; Manpower; Manpower Craftsman; Manpower Craftsman, Management Engineering/Data Analytics; Manpower Journeyman; Manpower Manager; Manpower Superintendent; Pathfinder Officer
What they do:
Conduct organizational studies and evaluations, design systems and procedures, conduct work simplification and measurement studies, and prepare operations and procedures manuals to assist management in operating more efficiently and effectively. Includes program analysts and management consultants.
On the job, you would:
- Gather and organize information on problems or procedures.
- Confer with personnel concerned to ensure successful functioning of newly implemented systems or procedures.
- Analyze data gathered and develop solutions or alternative methods of proceeding.
Arts and Humanities
- English language
- management
- customer service
Math and Science
- arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, or statistics
- psychology
Education and Training
- teaching and course design
Basic Skills
- listening to others, not interrupting, and asking good questions
- reading work related information
Problem Solving
- noticing a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it
People and Technology Systems
- thinking about the pros and cons of different options and picking the best one
- measuring how well a system is working and how to improve it
- communicate by speaking
- listen and understand what people say
Ideas and Logic
- notice when problems happen
- make general rules or come up with answers from lots of detailed information
People interested in this work like activities that include data, detail, and regular routines.
They do well at jobs that need:
- Dependability
- Integrity
- Cooperation
- Analytical Thinking
- Attention to Detail
- Initiative
You might use software like this on the job:
Web platform development software
- Google Angular
- Spring Framework
Data base user interface and query software
- Blackboard software
- Transact-SQL
Development environment software
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Maven
Education: (rated 4 of 5)
bachelor's degree or
master's degree
usually needed
master's degree
usually needed
Job Outlook
New job opportunities are very likely in the future.
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- Business Intelligence Analysts
- Data Scientists
- Information Technology Project Managers
- Project Management Specialists
- Training & Development Managers
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