Data Warehousing Specialists

procedure conventional interests design data warehouse software process model customer requirement computer document database

Data Warehouse Analyst, Data Warehouse Solution Architect

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Cyber Defense Operations; Cyber Defense Operations Apprentice, Data Operations; Cyber Defense Operations Apprentice, Knowledge Operations; Cyber Defense Operations Apprentice, RF Operations; Cyber Defense Operations Apprentice, Systems Operations; Cyber Defense Operations Craftsman, Enterprise Operations; Cyber Defense Operations Helper; Cyber Defense Operations Helper, Expeditionary Communications; Cyber Defense Operations Journeyman, Data Operations; Cyber Defense Operations Journeyman, Mission Defense Activities
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Applications Developer; Data Systems Chief; Intelligence Technology and Data Chief; Technical Information Operations Officer
Cyber RandD Specialist; Data Base Management Officer
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What they do:
Design, model, or implement corporate data warehousing activities. Program and configure warehouses of database information and provide support to warehouse users.
On the job, you would:
  • Develop data warehouse process models, including sourcing, loading, transformation, and extraction.
  • Verify the structure, accuracy, or quality of warehouse data.
  • Map data between source systems, data warehouses, and data marts.


Engineering and Technology

  • computers and electronics
  • design

Math and Science

  • arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, or statistics

Arts and Humanities

  • English language


Basic Skills

  • reading work related information
  • thinking about the pros and cons of different ways to solve a problem

Problem Solving

  • noticing a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it

People and Technology Systems

  • figuring out how a system should work and how changes in the future will affect it
  • thinking about the pros and cons of different options and picking the best one



  • read and understand what is written
  • listen and understand what people say

Ideas and Logic

  • order or arrange things
  • make general rules or come up with answers from lots of detailed information


  • choose the right type of math to solve a problem
  • add, subtract, multiply, or divide


People interested in this work like activities that include data, detail, and regular routines.

They do well at jobs that need:

  • Analytical Thinking
  • Attention to Detail
  • Initiative
  • Persistence
  • Cooperation
  • Dependability


You might use software like this on the job:

Data base management system software

  • Amazon DynamoDB Hot Technology
  • Oracle PL/SQL Hot Technology

Presentation software

  • Microsoft PowerPoint Hot Technology In Demand

Metadata management software

  • Informatica software Hot Technology
  • Quest Erwin Data Modeler


Education: (rated 4 of 5)
bachelor's degree
usually needed

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